Get involved

Fair warning: dot. is addictive. I used to have little interest in fashion, now I can’t wait for dot. to get started. To make that happen money and teams are needed. And that’s where you can come in.

Another fair warning, though. The easy town projects, including dot., are no place for racists, populists, conspiracy theorists, homophobes, fanatics, sexists, exploiters, fraudsters, people with superiority complexes or the like.
Curious, open-minded, playful, thinking, respectful, independent and bold people of all walks of life are the kind of fabric that can make dot. happen.

Who and what is needed?

Fund-raisers to generate a budget for the initial project team. This team will lay the foundations for several projects, including dot. Applicants should have an interests in working for the projects long-term. Fund-raising methods might included: crowdfunding, ad-campaign for donations, applications for EU-Funds and the like. Presently, there is hardly any budget. In the worst-case scenario this means that the fund-raiser team will have to finance itself. Such commitment will be rewarded.

Donors. With a donation for the easy town projects you can help to set up companies which will make a difference for millions of people worldwide, defying exploitation of humans and the planet.

Donate to:
easy town books
Ethik Bank
DE93 8309 4495 0003 46 15 21

reason for transfer: donation for the easy town projects/dot.

And send a note to to receive a receipt // subject: dot. donation.

Teams. For the initial team, I am looking for people who want to make a difference, who want to rethink business practises and who have some experience in building international networks, people with an analytical mind and a we-will-find-a-way attitude.

In the beginning, a lot will be about analysing the ideas, networking, raising funds and awareness, and finding collaborators.

The initial team is likely to be set up in Berlin while most companies are more likely to set up their headquarters in different countries to make sure that the project benefits as many communities as possible.

Generally speaking, project teams aim at balancing their team with respect to gender, origin, age, abilities and background. I hope that such a balance will be possible for the initial team as well.

Networking & publicity. dot. and other easy town projects give customers a chance to help transform how we do business. Therefore helping to make the ideas for dot., the Hub, book stations and the other ideas known to a broader public is a great help.

Apart from discussing the ideas with your friends, you can also challenge the ideas.

And it is possible to invite Charlie Alice Raya for an introduction of dot., for readings from the dot.story and for discussions about rethinking business practices.

If you would like to get involved, I look forward to hearing from you. Presently, I answer all messages personally. Write to: // subject: getting involved (probably)

Charlie Alice Raya


The easy town books have a few special outfits and the dot.story is full of single creations and collections. Some are just for the story, but I guess most are worth a try.

Therefore I am looking for fashion designers who would be prepared to collaborate on some collections for the future dot.

For me, the non-binary ideas have a priority. But I would also like to dive deeper into the moods collections and into experimenting with sustainable fabrics. The outfits of the main character in the easy town story are also repeatedly on my mind.

I recommend the dot.story for more input on what is already there in writing. The online preview of the dot.story includes some ideas as well.

The bigger picture

The easy town ideas are presented on nine websites to give each idea a space of its own. However, in one way or another all ideas are connected, and the easy town ideas website now presents a comprehensive overview of those ideas which are first in line to leap into existence. The overview includes notes on the plan for the next steps, what advantages the project have for communities, customers and the environment, and some more tips on how the projects can be supported.

Take a look at the easy town ideas website >

Dig deeper

If you haven’t had time to look into the dot.idea, here are a few links:

Get in touch

I look forward to hearing from you. Presently, I answer all messages in person.

Write to: // subject: getting involved (probably)

Take care

Charlie Alice Raya